A bronze masterpiece, shining with brilliance enters the history books. The eighth medal for Italy in Sochi carries all the weight of the regal face and movements of Carolina Kostner. From the Ave Maria by Schubert to Ravel's Bolero, from a short wild programme to an authoritative freeness, the sad slide of Vancouver 2010 is consigned to the archives, buried under the applause of the Iceberg Stadium, and a long-awaited revenge from those difficult days is consumed in an unforgettable night. Carolina finally flies onto the Olympic podium: her medal is the second in the history of Italian figure skating (the first individual, which qualifies it as historic) behind the one achieved in 2002 in Salt Lake City, by Barbara Fusar Poli and Maurizio Margaglio. With this podium win, Kostner crowns her career as a leader, after missing the podium in her most anticipated event and after numerous European titles and winning the World Cup in 2012. Tonight in Sochi, she was only preceded by Russian Adelina Sotnikova (gold) and the outgoing Olympic champion, South Korea's Yu-Na Kim (silver). Well done Carolina, you've made a masterpiece!